Japanese Beauty Products

Discover the secrets of Japanese skincare and cosmetics. Our curated selection offers innovative formulas blending traditional ingredients with cutting-edge technology. From gentle cleansers and hydrating essences to premium makeup, experience the art of Japanese beauty for a radiant, healthy complexion.

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Hiển thị 909 trong tổng số 1101 sản phẩm

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Product Description From sensitive skin to newborn skin, this highly moisturizing medicated cream spreads smoothly and envelops the skin in moisture. Known as SKCW Cream, it contains active ingredients to prevent rough skin. Th...
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Product Description This medicated whitening emulsion offers both whitening and anti-wrinkle efficacy, thanks to licorice-derived active ingredients that provide thorough blemish prevention and anti-wrinkle care. It leads to fr...
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Product Description Quickly penetrates and leaves your hands clear to the tips of your fingers. This hand serum is formulated with a high concentration of wheatgrass water, providing deep hydration up to the stratum corneum. It...
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Product Description This product is a 50g body care item designed to nourish and rejuvenate your skin. Its lightweight formula ensures easy application and quick absorption, leaving your skin feeling soft, smooth, and hydrated....
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Product Description The KORE-NADEKO Boys' Series Firming Lotion is designed to tighten pores and make skin smooth and silky. This firming lotion is specifically formulated for boys and can be used both morning and night for abo...
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Product Description Suveless face wash for black pores is designed to deeply cleanse and refresh your skin. Utilizing the triple power of baking soda, enzymes, and scrub, this face wash gently removes dirt and grime from your p...
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Product Description This is a special case designed for AQUALABEL WHITE POWDERIE. Its compact design includes a mirror, making it easy to carry and convenient for on-the-go use. Please note that the sponge is not included with ...
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Product Description The beauty oil concentrated by the Lulurun micro-oil manufacturing method gently loosens hardened skin, allowing the concentrated beauty essence to penetrate to the keratinized skin layer and enhance moistur...
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Product Description The "Gokigen wo Tsukuru Face Mask" by Lulurun Pure has been renewed to offer a convenient and effective skincare solution that can replace your morning and evening routines. This face mask is perfect for tho...
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Product Description Introducing the LuLuLun Hydra EX Mask, a daily anti-aging face mask inspired by advanced regeneration technology. This Japanese-made mask is designed to address skin problems that change with age, helping to...
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Product Description Biore UV Light-Up Essence is a sunscreen that not only provides UV protection but also enhances skin transparency and prevents dullness. This smooth, light-diffusing essence helps prevent sunspots caused by ...
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Product Description Fresh gel melts into the skin and adheres to it, smoothly removing stubborn keratin plugs and dirt from pores. Each time you wash, you will be left with smooth, bright skin with no roughness. Contains ingred...
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Product Description Introducing our latest innovation, the UltraComfort Ergonomic Office Chair, designed to provide maximum comfort and support during long hours of work. This chair features a sleek, modern design that fits sea...
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Product Description Introducing the Ramdash AI Navigation, a cutting-edge shaver designed for a deep and gentle shave. Equipped with a new 6-blade system and a high-speed linear motor, it ensures a thorough shave even for thick...
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Product Description Introducing the Ramdash AI Navigation Shaver, newly equipped with advanced AI technology for an exceptional shaving experience. This innovative shaver features a new 6-blade system and a high-speed linear mo...
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Product Description This 120ml hair product, originating from Japan, features a refreshing Blue Jasmine & Mint fragrance. It is suitable for all hair types, providing a versatile solution for various hair care needs. Produ...
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產品描述 適用於飛利浦9000系列(五邊形與圓形機型)的替換刀片。容易更換。產地:荷蘭。 產品規格 兼容機型:SP9841、SP9883、SP9871、SP9863、SP9861、SP9860、SP9820、S9987、S9986、S9985、S9982、S9781、S9732、S9732A、S9731、S9731A、S9712、S9712V、S9711、S9711V、S9552、S9551、S9522、S9521、S9512、S9511、S918...
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產品描述 體驗極致護膚感受,我們的專屬套裝包括M18設備及五個深層清潔增強墊。這套豪華套裝旨在提供全面且令人振奮的護膚流程,所有產品均包裝在精緻的M18豪華盒中。 產品規格 USB Type-C 輸入規格 DC5V 1.0A(充電座)輸出規格 DC9V 0.55A(充電座)功耗 約4.5W(充電座)使用電池 鋰離子可充電電池充電時間 約3小時 *充電時間可能因電池電量、充電環境及交流電源適配器(另售)而異。使用時間 約30分鐘(DYHP模式標準輸出)...
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產品描述 我們的溫和洗面乳能有效清潔肌膚,帶來奢華細膩、濃密且柔軟的泡沫感覺。這款產品旨在提供徹底而溫和的清潔體驗,讓您的肌膚感覺清新和呵護。
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產品描述 這款豐富的初步美容精華液致力於使用100%天然衍生成分*。其成分超過65%為米糠發酵液,能為肌膚提供緊緻和滋潤。使用本產品前請先搽上化妝水來準備您的肌膚,使其變得光滑,並讓滋潤成分更有效地滲透至角質層。本產品不含香料、不含色素、不含礦物油、弱酸性、無防腐劑、無酒精、無苯氧乙醇,並已進行過過敏測試(但不是每個人都不會過敏)及刺激性測試(但不是每個人都不會感到刺激)。 *包括經過化學反應從天然成分獲得的成分。 產品特點 由於每天都會用在肌膚上...
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產品描述 [毛孔護理] 讓肌膚清爽透亮 這款創新護膚產品將五種基本功能結合於一個方便的配方中:卸妝、去角質、潔面、按摩和保濕。旨在簡化您的護膚程序,消除了使用多種產品和繁瑣步驟的需要。適用於使用通用膠水(基於氰基丙烯酸酯)的睫毛延長,本產品確保徹底而溫和的清潔,使用後無需再洗臉。 描述 體驗蜂蜜美容治療的好處,不僅能去除雜質,還能滋潤肌膚。這款潔面膏超過90%的成分由保濕和調理成分組成,如蜂蜜、摩洛哥堅果油和有機透明質酸。清晰的蜂蜜成分有效去除化妝...
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產品描述 本款髮型造型產品為專業人士所設計,結合世界頂尖髮型師的建議製成。它提供卓越的操作性、超霧面質地以及極強的造型能力,是造型師的必備工具。本產品在日本製造,容量為80克。 產品規格 產品尺寸 (寬 x 深 x 高): 65 x 65 x 41 毫米 產地:日本 內容量:80克 成分 水、氫化聚異丁烯、鯨蠟硬脂酸酯、微晶蠟、二氧化矽、小燭樹蠟、丙二醇、羥基硬脂酸、鯨蠟醇聚氧乙烯醚-25、硬脂醇、精氨酸、聚丙烯酸鈉、堅果油酰胺甘油脂(澳洲堅果)...
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產品說明 Elixir Day Care Revolution Tone-Up SP+ aa 是一款多功能護膚品,旨在提升肌膚的色調和彈性。此產品具有乳液、妝前乳、防曬和提亮膚色的效果。它能瞬間覆蓋成熟肌膚的暗沉和陰影,使膚色看起來更亮更緊緻。SPF50+/PA++++的高級防曬效果,粉嫩色配方自然提亮肌膚,並減少因乾燥導致的細紋和皺紋。本品質地輕盈,易於與肌膚融合,留給肌膚清新感覺,可用洗面奶或肥皂輕松卸除。已進行功效評估測試以確保其有效性。 產...
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產品描述 推出埃麗莎日間護理革命SP+,這是一款高效抗衰老的晨間乳液,結合了保濕霜、妝前乳和防曬的多重功效於一瓶。此產品旨在提供適齡的保濕護理,有助於減少因乾燥導致的細紋和皺紋。它確保粉底液能夠良好地貼合皮褚並防止妝容脫落,保持您一整天的早晨光彩直到晚上。已經過過敏性測試,讓您使用更安心。 產品規格 - 高效抗衰老護理 - 合為乳液、妝前乳及防曬 - 助於粉底液貼合於皮膚並防止妝容脫落 - 減少乾燥造成的細紋和皺紋 - 經過過敏性測試 成分 ...
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產品描述 為美麗的頭髮創造健康的頭皮環境。這款專為家庭護理設計的強效頭皮潔淨治療產品是低過敏性的,能有效清除頭皮上積累的皮脂。清潔大約一周後,皮脂將再次開始積累,因此建議每周清潔一次。使用本產品後,您的頭皮將達到沙龍般的效果。 使用方式 洗髮前,當頭髮和頭皮處於乾燥狀態時使用。分開頭髮,以便於將產品直接從容器中塗抹到頭皮上。徹底塗抹於整個頭皮上以清除污垢。添加適量溫水(剛好濕潤全部頭髮),起泡後沖洗,然後再次使用洗髮水清洗。 產品規格 產品大小(...
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產品描述 體驗我們創新的吹風機產品,讓您的吹髮過程涼爽舒適。此產品設計用於直接施用於頭皮,有效減少過熱吹風機使用時的不適。配方中含有輕質粉末,能軟化髮根,讓您在吹乾頭髮的同時,為易於被熱風吹乾的頭髮補充水分。享受清新的花香薄荷香味,以及植物萃取物帶來的保濕好處。 產品規格 - 輕質粉末軟化髮根 - 花香薄荷香味 - 含植物萃取物,助於頭髮保濕 成分 乙醇、水、丙二醇、薄荷醇、甘油、泛醇、BG、鹽酸二苯海拉明、甘草酸鉀鹽、月桂酸胺氧化物、仙人...
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產品描述 全新黑色睫毛膏採用「藍黑色」和細微珍珠成分。它能讓睫毛顯著增長卻不給人沉重感。全日保持睫毛卷翹。睫毛膏質地輕薄,因此不會因為睫毛膏的重量而脫落,保持完美妝效。 結合刷子與梳子的最佳特點!五排弧形梳子讓您一次只需輕輕塗抹少量睫毛膏,同時梳理睫毛!也可以像刷子一樣穩健地延伸。 防水配方,含有修復毛髮成分,保護睫毛。 產品規格 黑色,卻不沉重。輕盈且持久的睫毛提升。一種新的黑色,增強眼妝卻不讓你感到壓力。睫毛膏含有「藍黑色」和細微珍珠。它能讓睫...
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產品描述 配備資生堂獨特的Wet Force技術,此BB型防護劑在接觸汗水和水分時能增強其UV防護膜,非常適合運動和其他戶外活動。此外,新的抗汗水和快乾技術可以防止活動中化妝脫落,確保持久無瑕的外觀。 產品規格 資生堂的Wet Force技術能改善防曬膜的均勻度並保持其穩定性,即使在面對汗水和水分時也是如此。 使用說明 由於這是雙層型產品,使用前請充分搖勻。在早晨護膚程序的最後,取適量於手掌上,均勻塗抹於整個臉部。如果使用量過少,將無法獲得充足的U...
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$861.00 -4%
產品描述 針對男性護理的可能性是無盡的,尤其是在先進科技的加持下。這款透明的棒狀防護器可以直接塗抹於肌膚,不需弄髒手。它具有抗汗和抗皮脂的特性,並具有高度防水效果。配備了 SynchroShield™ 技術,在日間不僅能夠抵禦強烈的紫外線,還能在接觸到熱量、汗水或水份時加強防護膜的效果。此外,它還能保護皮膚免受環境損害,如空氣中的乾燥和塵埃,增強防曬膜的均勻度和穩定性。 產品規格 重量:20克 成分 二苯基硅氧烷基苯基三甲基硅烷氧烷、荷馬沙魯酯、...
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Mô tả sản phẩm Sản phẩm này được chế tác tỉ mỉ, không chứa thành phần từ động vật, không có hương liệu tổng hợp, không có chất tạo màu tổng hợp, không chứa paraben và không chứa chất hoạt động bề mặt tổng hợp. Sản phẩm có độ pH...
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