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Visar 51 av 51 produkter

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4547366589986 kommer att inkludera en "KICK BACK"-klistermärke som en bonus från tillverkaren. Antalet exemplar är begränsat, så beställ så snart som möjligt. Öppningstema för den mycket omtalade TV-anime "Censorman"! "KICK BA...
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Produktbeskrivning Denna produkt är det första albumet från den hyllade artisten Ado. Efter hennes anmärkningsvärda prestation att vinna första plats i "Oricon H1 Ranking 2021" i kategorin "Nybörjarranking" för artistförsäljnin...
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Produktbeskrivning Detta är den begränsade första upplagan av Ados debutalbum, "I tried singing it". Albumet är en samling med 10 låtar, en blandning av Vocaloid och J-Pop, valda utifrån otaliga publika förfrågningar. Urvalet s...
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Produktbeskrivning Lägg vantarna på hela albumet, som släpps av bandet "Band of Unity" från TV-anime-serien "Bocchi Za Rokku!" Denna begränsade utgåva innehåller 14 låtar, inklusive sångerna för öppnings- och avslutningstemat, ...
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Produktbeskrivning Fira 25-årsjubileet av Hikaru Utadas framstående karriär med detta samlingsalbum av hennes bästa låtar genom tiderna. Denna samling markerar den första heltäckande sammanställningen av Utadas verk och innehål...
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Produktbeskrivning Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 12122020 är den senaste liveinspelningen av Ryuichi Sakamotos främsta låtval från den publikfria onlinepianokonserten som hölls i slutet av 2020. Konserten regisserades av ...
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Product Description This is the second volume of the official piano solo sheet music collection from the globally acclaimed TV anime "Shinkage no Kyojin" (Attack on Titan), which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2021. This ...
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Product Description The original soundtrack for 『KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 2.5 ReMIX-』 is being re-released! This collection features music from the HD remastered versions of 『KINGDOM HEARTS II』, 『KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep』, and 『...
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Product Description Taste “The Beginning Story” with your ears!KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 1.5 ReMIX-” is re-released as an original soundtrack featuring songs from ‘KINGDOM HEARTS -HD 1.5 ReMIX-’!All the music has been newly recorded t...
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Product Description The 5th album "GOLD" by SixTONES is a dazzling collection of music that brings brilliance, happiness, and success to your everyday life. Scheduled for release on January 15, 2012, this album features a tot...
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Product Description The "Kis-My-Ft2 Dome Tour 2024 Synopsis" Blu-ray (First Edition B) is a must-have for fans of the popular group Kis-My-Ft2. This 2-disc Blu-ray set captures the final performance of their three major dome ...
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Product Description This product is a musical collection featuring the renowned composer and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto. It includes improvisational performances inspired by the works of classical composers such as Debussy, Sa...
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Product Description The ultimate best album, "THE BEST OF BIGBANG 2006-2014," is a 3-CD collection celebrating BIGBANG's 5th anniversary of their debut in Japan and their historic 5-major dome tours. Released on November 26, ...
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Product Description BLACKPINK ROSÉ, the main vocalist of the globally renowned group BLACKPINK, presents her highly anticipated first studio album, "rosie." Released on December 6 (Friday), this album showcases ROSÉ's immense...
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Product Description This product features additional acoustic versions of select tracks, including collaborations with Post Malone on "Fortnight," as well as acoustic renditions of "Down Bad," "But Daddy I Love Him," and "Gui...
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Product Description This live album captures the mesmerizing music from the "Blade of Demons" Orchestra Concert ~Oni no Kanade~ Yuukaku-hen, performed at the Pacifico Yokohama National Grand Hall on March 11 and 12, 2023. The...
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Product Description Immerse yourself in the world of "Blade of Demon's Destruction: Yuukaku-hen" with this original soundtrack. This collection features two DISC discs packed with captivating music, including the opening them...
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Product Description Immerse yourself in the captivating world of the "Infinity Train Arc" with this original soundtrack. Featuring a total of 50 meticulously crafted tracks, this collection includes music from both the movie ...
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Product Description Relive the captivating "Sumijiro Tatsushi Arc" through an immersive musical experience crafted by renowned composers Yuki Kajiura and Go Shiina. This soundtrack features a collection of memorable tracks, i...
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Product Description This soothing music box album offers a delightful blend of nature sounds and beloved melodies from the worlds of Ghibli and Disney, creating a relaxing experience for both adults and children. With a recordi...
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Product Description Daily radio calisthenics offer a fun and engaging way for everyone, from children to grandparents, to participate in exercise and communication. This product is part of the King Suk♪iku Selection, a staple f...
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Product Description To commemorate the 30th anniversary of Oasis' debut album "Definitely Maybe," a special 30th anniversary edition is now available. This limited edition 2CD set, presented in a domestic pressing with Blu-spec...
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Product Description Aimyon's fifth album, "Neko ni Jelasi," is set to release on September 11. This album marks her first release in two years since her previous album, "Hitoe ni Ochiruyo Record." The album features a collectio...
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Product Description BUMP OF CHICKEN's 10th full-length album in 5 years has finally been released! This Limited First Press Edition includes a CD and a Blu-ray, along with the first advance ticket serial for the Tokyo Dome conc...
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Product Description For fans of the "Kingdom Hearts" series, this soundtrack is a must-have! The original soundtrack for "Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance]" is being re-released. The music is composed by Yoko Shimomura, w...
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Product Description Experience the story of the "Kingdom Hearts" series through music. This album is an original soundtrack compilation featuring tracks from "KINGDOM HEARTS Birth by Sleep," "KINGDOM HEARTS 358/2 Days," "KINGDO...
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Produktbeskrivning Fira 50-årsjubileumet av det enormt populära albumet "Hail Yumi!" med detta exklusiva, begränsade upplaga av en analog box. Denna speciella utgåva är ett svar på den överväldigande efterfrågan och finns tillg...
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Produktbeskrivning Fira Yumi Matsutoyas anmärkningsvärda karriär med "Yumi Matsutoya 50-årsjubileums Bästa Album." Denna specialutgåva på CD, släppt den 4 oktober 2022, markerar en betydande milstolpe i Yumis musikaliska resa, ...
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Produktbeskrivning Det första bästa albumet någonsin i Tatsuro Yamashitas karriär som överskrider skivbolagsgränser! Denna omfattande samling innehåller urval gjorda av Tatsuro Yamashita själv, som sträcker sig från hans dagar ...
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Produktbeskrivning Yonezu Genjis efterlängtade sjätte album är äntligen här! Detta mästerverk innehåller en variation av låtar som har präglat hans framstående karriär. Efter fyra år sedan hans stora album "STRAY SHEEP," som så...
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