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Показано 9 из 9 товаров

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385.00 ฿
Product Description Introducing the [Uji Tea Specialty Store Furikake], a delightful seasoning made using carefully selected Tencha (powdered green tea). The vibrant dark green of the first harvested tea leaves, grown with meti...
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351.00 ฿
Описание продукта Этот продукт представляет собой восхитительно острую и изысканно приправленную подливу для риса. Она обладает хрустящей текстурой и ароматом зеленого лука "кудзё-нэги". Насыщенный и сочный вкус данной подливы ...
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674.00 ฿
Описание товара Серия "Токуфури" выпускается компанией Marumiya, известной своими фурикаке (посыпками для риса). Этот фурикаке представляет собой смесь тонко нарезанных стружек бонито с ярким вкусом и тщательно подобранными инг...
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98.00 ฿
Product Description Noritama is a popular Japanese seasoning blend that adds a delightful flavor to your meals. This 25g pack from Marumiya Food Industries is perfect for enhancing the taste of rice, noodles, and various dishes...
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101.00 ฿
Product Description This furikake has been a beloved staple since its launch in 1960. It features a perfect blend of nori (seaweed) and tamago (egg), along with sesame seeds, mackerel shavings, matcha salt, and other carefully ...
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306.00 ฿
Product Description This furikake has been a beloved staple since its launch in 1960. It features a perfect blend of ingredients such as seaweed ("Noritama"), egg ("Tamago"), sesame seeds, shaved mackerel flakes, and green tea ...
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904.00 ฿
Product Description This furikake is a delightful blend of dried bonito flakes, white sesame seeds, shiitake mushrooms, kikurage mushrooms, pine nuts, and other ingredients sourced from both the mountains and the sea, prepared ...
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226.00 ฿
Product Description Indulge in the luxurious taste of Sawada Foods' "Goro-tto Hokkai Scallop Burnt Soy Sauce Furikake" (55g). This furikake features generous chunks of scallop, offering a blissful culinary experience. The rich,...
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181.00 ฿
Product Description Introducing a unique and flavorful furikake that combines the crispy texture of seaweed with the distinctive stickiness and aroma of natto. This seasoning is crafted from carefully selected ingredients, incl...
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