WAFUU.COM Launches Cryptocurrency Payments
WAFUU.COM Launches Cryptocurrency Payments
— Now Supporting 16 Cryptocurrencies, 83 Wallets, and 22 Exchanges for a Truly Global Shopping Experience —
1. Overview
WAFUU.COM, a cross-border e-commer...
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“WAFÚÚ.COM” viert zijn 2e verjaardag en overschrijdt 300.000 leden en volgers
Sinds de lancering in oktober 2022 heeft onze direct-to-consumer, grensoverschrijdende e-commercesite “WAFÚÚ.COM” nu zijn tweede verjaardag bereikt, met een gecombineerd t...
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2024-2025 Announcement of Year-End and New Year Holiday Schedule
Thank you for shopping with us. In observance of Japan’s year-end and New Year holidays, our operations will be temporarily suspended on the following dates:Holiday Dates: • December 28, 2024 • Dec...
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JapanPost: Suspension of International Mail Delivery to Israel and Libya
Due to the worsening situation in Israel and Libya, resulting in the suspension of flights, there is currently a delay in delivering mail to these destinations.Additionally, depending on future dev...
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Versnelt Wereldwijde Expansie, Introduceert 28 Nieuwe Betaalmethoden
WAFUU.COM, beheerd door QRESTIA Inc. (Hoofdkantoor: Shibuya, Tokyo / President: Hidemasa Fukada), is een grensoverschrijdende e-commerce site uit Japan die traditionele Japanse producten aanbiedt, ...
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Impact on FedEx Delivery Services During the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games
Impact on FedEx Delivery Services During the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games
Impact on FedEx Delivery Services During the 2024 Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games
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