FANCL डीप चार्ज कोलेजन ड्रिंक, 10 दिन की आपूर्ति (1.7 fl oz (50 ml) x 10 बोतलें)
Product Description
This product is a collagen peptide drink designed to keep your skin moist and elastic. It is a functional food with well-confirmed functions, supporting a moisture-filled daily life with a confident smile. The drink is recommended to be chilled and used as an after-bath habit. It comes in an easy-to-drink fruity peach flavor.
Product Specification
The product features a collagen peptide for easy absorption. Unlike ordinary low-molecular collagen, which is made up of 100 amino acids that are linked together for a long time, FANCL's Deep Charge Collagen Series contains collagen with a size that is easily absorbed by the body by cutting down to three amino acids (the smallest unit of collagen). This is known as a tripeptide, which is made up of three amino acids.
The recommended daily amount is one 50ml bottle. Each bottle contains 3000 mg of collagen peptide, including tripeptide, and 250 mg of Vitamin C. It is caffeine-free and contains 14 kcal of energy per bottle.
The main ingredients are collagen peptide and Vitamin C. Please note that this product contains gelatin, which is listed as an allergen.
Additional Information
This product is a food with functional claims. Unlike Foods for Specified Health Use, this product has not undergone individual review by the Commissioner of the Consumer Affairs Agency. It is not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of disease. The diet should be based on a balance of staple foods, main dishes, and side dishes.