Placeholder WAFUU JAPAN Official Online Store - Direct From Japan

Rp 440.000,00 IDR
Rp 116.000,00 IDR
Rp 218.000,00 IDR
Rp 262.000,00 IDR
Rp 262.000,00 IDR
Rp 208.000,00 IDR
Rp 304.000,00 IDR
Rp 458.000,00 IDR
Rp 1.339.000,00 IDR
Rp 2.544.000,00 IDR
Rp 931.000,00 IDR
Rp 304.000,00 IDR
Rp 208.000,00 IDR
Rp 312.000,00 IDR
Rp 189.000,00 IDR
عرض المزيد من المنتجات

WAFUU - Cross Border Online Shopping

Made Simple, Fast, and Secure

'WAFUU JAPAN' is a Japanese company, owned by Qrestia Inc., that ships products from Japan to locations worldwide.
Delivery is provided by Japan Post, FedEx, ECMS, and DHL. Upon confirmation of payment, orders will be shipped within four business days (excluding weekends and holidays). Delivery time may vary based on the destination, ranging from four to twenty days. We are committed to ensuring our customers receive the products they desire.

WAFUU - Return Policy

If you wish to return a received item, please contact us within seven days of receipt.
Returns will be accepted under the following conditions:
1. The product is defective.
2. The product differs from the one ordered.
3. The product is damaged during transit.
In the case of a return, the buyer is responsible for covering shipping costs.

Please refer to this page for further information on return conditions and ineligible products.

Please Note - International Buyer

Import duties, taxes, and charges are not included in the item price or shipping cost. Any additional charges, including import duties and taxes, must be paid by the buyer in accordance with the laws and regulations of the buyer's country. Please confirm these details before making a purchase. We are an international retailer and all products are shipped directly overseas. Cross-border products are intended for personal use only. Please check with your country's customs office to determine these additional costs before purchasing.
