Japanese Beauty Products
Discover the secrets of Japanese skincare and cosmetics. Our curated selection offers innovative formulas blending traditional ingredients with cutting-edge technology. From gentle cleansers and hydrating essences to premium makeup, experience the art of Japanese beauty for a radiant, healthy complexion.
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3 tahap perubahan tekstur, krim ini bercampur dengan mulus ke dalam kulit untuk mencipta keanjalan dan kejernihan yang membangkitkan kulit, dan bahkan ekspresi mata kelihatan kaya*1 dan penuh dengan kehidupan. *1: Kelenturan la...
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Deskripsi Produk
Produk perawatan rambut tanpa silikon dari Kumano Oil and Fat ini dirancang untuk lembut pada rambut dan kulit kepala, mengurangi stres dan meninggalkan rambut menjadi halus dan berkilau. Formula uniknya memung...
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Product Description
Experience clear and radiant skin with our all-in-one nightly moisturizing mask. In just 3 minutes, this mask works to leave your skin soft and translucent by the next morning. Infused with rich white gem be...
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Bukan sahaja dari luar. Sel UV* pertama dilahirkan. *Absolu Precious Cell UV. Dengan menggabungkan penapis UV unik dengan bahan-bahan kecantikan lanjutan*1 dari asal-usul semula jadi, kami bertujuan untuk melindungi sumber keca...
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Product Description
This medicated skincare powder is designed to be worn overnight, providing skincare benefits while you sleep. It contains dual active ingredients: stearyl glycyrrhetinate for preventing rough skin and tranex...
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Product Description
Indulge your skin and mind with a 7-minute whitening and anti-aging care mask. This mask is designed to suppress melanin production, preventing freckles and spots, while providing age-appropriate care. It is...
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Cuci yang segar dan licin dengan formula yang meninggalkan filem pelembap yang tersebar secara sekata. Pemegang Epi-Moist yang baru dibangunkan, yang memaparkan minyak yang menangkap noda mekap dengan teguh dan mengalir dengan ...
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Product Description
Experience a rejuvenating skincare ritual in just 7 minutes with this protective care mask designed for fluctuating skin. This mask is infused with a rich beauty essence to deliver intense moisture and care,...
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Deskripsi Produk
Krim Gel Pelembap Putih Kose Cosmeport Gray Swan Wrinkle Care adalah solusi penjagaan kulit mewah yang direka untuk mengatasi tanda-tanda penuaan, seperti kedutan dan garis halus, sambil menyediakan hidrasi men...
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Product Description
The Soy Milk Pure White Skin Care UV Base is a skincare product designed to provide a whitening effect while preventing rough skin and minimizing the appearance of pores. This soy milk skincare base combines...
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Product Description
Introducing the Soy Milk Skin Care UV Base, a hypoallergenic and non-chemical beauty product designed to protect and enhance your skin. With an SPF45 PA++ rating, this UV base offers effective sun protection...
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Product Description
This silky, translucent loose powder features three control colors that blend seamlessly into the skin, naturally covering uneven coloration, dullness, and pores. Designed to provide a radiant, moist finish,...
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Product Description
This silky, translucent loose powder features three control colors that seamlessly blend into the skin, naturally covering uneven coloration, dullness, and pores. Designed to provide a radiant, moist finish,...
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Minyak yang kaya itu melebur ke dalam kulit, membuatnya lembut dan anjal.Melebur ke dalam kulit untuk kulit lembut, anjal, dan tegang Susu yang pekat dan kaya melebur dengan lembut di kulit dan meresap ke dalam lapisan kulit ya...
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Deskripsi Produk
Produk anti-penuaan ini dirancang untuk memberikan kelembapan pada kulit yang menua, menawarkan lima fungsi dalam satu produk: toner, losion susu, krim, esens, dan masker. Produk ini menembus kulit dan mengunci...
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Product Description
Experience the transformative power of the "enzyme x charcoal" formula designed to gently dissolve and adsorb rough skin and keratin plugs. This innovative product targets repetitive pore dirt caused by the ...
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Product Description
DUO The Kingdom Cleansing Balm is a 90g makeup remover designed to effectively cleanse the skin while removing makeup. This balm transforms from a solid balm into a silky oil upon application, ensuring a tho...
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Deskripsi Produk
Produk ini adalah palet 4-warna yang sempurna untuk kelopak mata Anda, menciptakan efek gradasi yang luar biasa dengan hanya melapisinya. Palet ini dibuat hanya dengan warna-warna yang menyatu dengan baik denga...
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Product Description
DUO, celebrating its 15th anniversary, has enhanced its skincare line with a renewed formula that targets stubborn pore dirt through a 4-step process: loosening, dissolving, adsorbing, and treating. This pro...
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Secara lembut bercampur untuk meliputi kulit, memberinya kilauan tiga dimensi dan kelembapan.Krim yang kaya ini bercampur dengan kulit pada suhu kulit. Rasanya seolah-olah kulit telah diisi dengan rasa keanjalan dan kekenyalan....
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Product Description
This year marks the 15th anniversary of DUO's renewal, introducing a new product that effectively treats dry fine lines and wrinkles, leaving your skin moist, supple, and toned. The innovative "Skin Moisture...
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Product Description
DUO, celebrating its 15th anniversary, has been renewed with a focus on addressing complex dullness while moisturizing the skin. The Cleansing Balm White is designed to absorb and remove the source of dullne...
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Product Description
This innovative product is designed to prevent shine and stickiness on the face, décolleté, nape of the neck, and the entire body. It is formulated to be resistant to the formation of comedones, which are th...
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Product Description
This product is designed to protect the skin from strong ultraviolet rays, preventing freckles and sun spots caused by sunburns. It can also be used as a makeup base, offering a pleasant airy floral fragranc...
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Product Description
DUO celebrates its 15th anniversary with a renewed formula that gently removes makeup with minimal friction, preventing roughness and improving skin tone. The "Skin Moisture Magnet Formulation" ensures that ...
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Deskripsi Produk
Produk ini adalah serbuk partikel halus yang menyatu sempurna dengan kulit sejak saat aplikasi pertama, memberikan kilauan tiga dimensi pada kulit Anda. Partikel serbuknya menghilang seketika saat digosok denga...
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Deskripsi Produk
Masker Penenang Harian Cica adalah masker lembaran berkapasiti besar yang direka untuk penjagaan kulit harian. Ia menyediakan penyelesaian pantas dan mudah selama 10 minit untuk penyelenggaraan kulit, menangani...
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Deskripsi Produk
Kolaborasi antara LILAY dan Emaeri telah melahirkan balm multi-guna yang inovatif yang memanfaatkan keahlian kedua merek tersebut. Produk serbaguna ini dirancang secara ahli untuk merawat rambut dan tubuh, meny...
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<h2>Product Description</h2> <p>This wide-surface, large brush is designed to detangle and polish your hair in one stroke, leaving it smooth and shiny. Perfect for individuals with thick or long hair, it allo...
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Deskripsi Produk
Memperkenalkan Wangi Geranium Oriental yang baru, tambahan yang indah ke lini balsem perawatan yang populer. Campuran unik ini menggabungkan nada bunga geranium dan lavender dengan aroma eksotis ylang-ylang dan...
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