森永 エコらくパック つめかえ用 はぐくみ 粉ミルク800g (400g×2袋) 0ヶ月~1歳
A beverage that makes your mood positive with "the deliciousness of milk and flavor" and "bright and colorful package". It is a picnic with a clean aftertaste fruit mic type. Please enjoy the exquisite taste of milk and fruit. It is also suitable for drinking with moms and children when you want to take a break, or when you want to take a break or a snack with your child. 200ml that can be stored at room temperature that is just right for drinking, so it is a recommended paper pack for bulk purchases, so easy -to -throw trash discarding simple ingredients: sugar mixed fructose glucose glucose liquid sugar, dairy juice, dairy products/stabilizers (cmc), fragrance, sweetness, sweetener. (Assulfam K, Scralose), Caroten pigment