Spirited Away (The Complete Studio Ghibli Storyboards 13)
Product Description
"Spirited Away" is an enchanting animated film from the renowned Studio Ghibli, directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki. This captivating movie takes viewers on a surreal adventure with its protagonist, Chihiro, as she navigates a mystical world filled with spirits and magic. The film is celebrated for its rich storytelling, imaginative characters, and beautiful animation, making it a beloved classic for audiences of all ages. It has garnered widespread acclaim, including an Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and continues to be a touchstone of animated cinema.
Product Specification
Publisher: Tokuma Shoten Studio Ghibli Division
Author: Hayao Miyazaki
Publication Date: 2001/10
ISBN-10: 4198614393
ISBN-13: 9784198614393
Format: A5
Target Audience: General
Edition: Hardcover
Content: Theatre & Film
Page Count: 648 pages
Height: 22cm
Additional Information: Focus on "Spirited Away"