As a shortcut for borderless delivery of Japanese goods around the world, we offer a variety of low-cost shipping services.
The lowest price is JPY1000(USD7.33) to the U.S.A.
We have made great efforts in logistics to bring the price close to that of domestic delivery!
And, in response to requests for countries not included in the list of supported countries, we have greatly increased the number of countries covered!
We are now shipping to 62 countries worldwide.
Please send your requests to chat (https://wafuu.com/)
Please send us your requests via chat.
We can also handle large orders as a wholesaler.
إضافة 37 دولة جديدة لخدمة الشحن الدولي
WAFUU.COM تطلق خدمة الدفع بالعملات المشفرة
<h2>ملخص باللغة العربية</h2> <p> تعلن منصة WAFUU.COM عن إطلاق خيار الدفع بالعملات المشفرة في موق...
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ملخص باللغة العربية
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